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Posted 12/04/2022 in Perennial

Acanthus montanus

A shrubby spreading perennial, Acanthus montanus features bold spikes of two-lipped pink to rose flowers that rise above deeply lobed spiny green leaves. Be careful when handling this plant, it contains thorns.

Post Details

Latin Name
Acanthus montanus
Common Name
Mountain Thistle
Planting Zone
Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9 Zone 10
Bloom Season
4-6 ft
2-3 ft
Potential Pests
Snails and slugs

Plant Story

A shrubby spreading perennial, Acanthus montanus features bold spikes of two-lipped pink to rose flowers that rise above deeply lobed spiny green leaves. Be careful when handling this plant, it contains thorns.

Special Care Instructions

Remove flowers after bloom. Well-drained soil. Tolerate a wide range of soil.

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