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Posted 05/29/2023 in Tree

Acer palmatum 'Beni Hime'

Acer palmatum 'Beni Hime' is dwarf shrub no bigger then 3 foot by 3 foot making it perfect for small-scale landscapes such as a bonsai, rock garden, or dwarf landscape. The leaves are a brilliant shade of red until they turn yellow, gold, and dark red in the fall.

Post Details

Latin Name
Acer palmatum 'Beni Hime'
Common Name
Japanese Maple
Planting Zone
Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9
Leaf Type
Bloom Season
2-3 ft
2-3 ft
Potential Pests
No serious problems

Plant Story

Acer palmatum 'Beni Hime' is dwarf shrub no bigger then 3 foot by 3 foot making it perfect for small-scale landscapes such as a bonsai, rock garden, or dwarf landscape. The leaves are a brilliant shade of red until they turn yellow, gold, and dark red in the fall.

Special Care Instructions

Prune as little as possible but if needed prune in late fall or early winter. Mulch.

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